Tagged: Confessions in London

More Wembley pictures by Robert

Now that the “Confessions Tour” heads back to London, it’s time to have a look at more great pictures from the August3 concert at Wembley Arena shared by our Community member Ropplerobert. To check...

Madge gets on her high horse

Today’s Independent Newspaper in the UK has a review of one of the Wembley gigs. ‘Ladies and gentlemen,” she says, coyer than a carp, “thank you for coming to my little show…” Little? Everything...

Wembley pictures by Ropplerobert

Thanks to Ropplerobert for sharing some of the amazing pics he got on his camera phone from his absolutely brilliant seats last night. “Me and my partner John were in block B3 Row 1...

Mighty Real Fan Review!

“What a night. Madonna – You make me feel, miiiiiiiighty real!”, says our forum member Daniel/rayoliteuk. “She missed the odd line, bounced in the wrong place every once in a while but generally strutted...

Wembley pictures by Steve

Thanks to Steve for sharing these five pictures he took at Wembley on Thursday night, to check his images in full size please visit our Tribe-A-Pose galleries by clicking any of the thumbnails below....

Wembley pictures by Neil

Thanks to Neil for sharing a few pics he took from the Wembley 1st show… “Fucking amazing as ever” – Neil says. As usual, to check these images in full size please visit our...

Wembley 3rd pictures by Sharon

“So happy to be a front row bitch!” This is the first comment posted by Sharon aka Wannabe in the Madonna tribe Forum after she came back from Madonna’s second night iat Wembley Arena....

Madonna’s second night in London

M-Tribe friend and contributor Alun is just back from Thurday night’s show in Wembley and he dropped us a line to let everybody know it was fantastic. “They have moved the A2 A4 seats...

Wembley pictures by Tonybecks

Our friend and Team member Tonybecks has posted some of the amazing pictures he took the first “Confessions Tour” concert at the Wembley Arena on Tuesday night in the MadonnaTribe Tour Forum. Check them...

Wembley pictures by Darren and Sair

Thanks to Darren and Sair for sharing their experience and the pictures they took from the front at London’s Wembley Arena on Tuesday. As usual, to check their images in full size please visit...