
When Art and Spirit collides Magic happens!

From Madonna’s Instagram: “When Art and Spirit collides Magic happens!” “#madewithstudio the speed sisters are starting their own Revolution of Love in Palestine as the first all women motor racing team in the...

Free The Artic 30!

From Madonna’s Instagram: “These 30 people are in prison in Russia for staging a peaceful protest in the Arctic! Let your voice be heard. Let’s bring these people home!”

Donate to Tres Islas Orphanage Fund!

From Madonna’s Instagram: “Congrats! @lesmackmp the first to win an Grant! He wants to help build a psychology clinic for abused girls at the Orfanatorio de Mazatlan in Mazatlan Mexico, Want to help?...

Oh Mother

Madonna enjoyed a lot a “photo joke” she found on the Internet featuring her late mother, Madonna Fortin. She liked it so much she reposted the image along with a comment on her Instagram...

”Love Conquers Hate!”

From Madonna’s Instagram: “Love conquers Hate! @HumanRightsCampaign. Russia and the Olympics need to get there act together for the Sochi 2014…… Discrimination will not be tolerated!”