Live from Italy

In Bed With Chiara

The Confessions Tour will be finally broadcasted on Italian television on April 2nd 2007 by Music Box. The land of Madonna’s ancestors may be last in the list of countries to show the tv...

More M by Madonna from Bari

Here are more full-page advertising from the Italian press announcing the opening of the first H&M store in Bari, an event that marks a long-awaited arrival of the Swedish retailer to the Centre and...

Charts this week

“ConfessionsTour” stays at the top of the Italian DVD charts (#1) by both Fimi and Musica & Dischi for the fifth consecutive week and the studio album “Confessions On A Dance Floor” goes us...

Dominatrix and Gabbana

Far from being unusual to hear Madonna‘s music at a Dolce & Gabbana fashion show, but yesterday, when their latest collection was shown in Milan, you really didn’t know if you were attending a...

Disco wild in Milan

Milan’s womenswear shows hit their stride on Monday with leading designers Dolce and Gabbana and Giorgio Armani showing very different views of what they think women should be wearing next winter. At D&G, Dolce...

Confessions Rewind – A week ago

Here are some photos taken last Saturday during the Official Release Party for the Confessions Tour Dvd in Rome. “Confessions Rewind” has been special night where different elements such as Dance Floor music, live...